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Today we are discussing five advantages and disadvantages of jailbreaking Sony’s Playstation 3. The term jailbreaking is a household term these days thanks to the iPhone’s popularity and the number of people in jailbreak community actively working on it. However, jailbreaking a PS3 may be whole lot different than jailbreaking an iOS device. We’ve tried to shed some light on this after the break.
Pros and Cons of Jailbreaking PS3
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If you are here to read about the PS3 Jailbreak scene before purchasing your gaming console, you should first read our comparison of the top gaming consoles – Xbox Kinect and Playstation Move. iPhone users looking for reasons to Jailbreak? Hear it in Saurik’s own words.
When we say jailbreaking a PS3 is different from jailbreaking an iPhone what we really mean is that unlike iPhone some PS3 services may get disabled and some new services enabled. Whereas on the iPhone once jailbroken you can not only use all previous services and features but add new ones. And we’re talking more than just the ability to play pirated games on PS3 without paying for them.
If this is the first time you are reading about jailbreaking your PS3 you might feel a little lost, but as you reach the end of this post you know for sure depending on your needs, whether or not you want or need to jailbreak your PS3.
Advantages of Jailbreaking PS3
1. Play MKV Videos
No one needs to be told why we want the ability to play MKV Videos. This is the best video format I have known. You can download same quality MKV rips from the internet at half the file size of its AVI counterpart.
The latest release of Multiman Software has an app called Showtime which lets you play even 1080p HD MKV videos from both internal and external hard drives. No need to reconvert MKVs before playing it on PS3 now. That saves us so many hours of work already.

2. Ability to Backup Games for Disk-less Play
Wouldn’t it be so great if you could backup that BD game disc you purchased before it gained enough scratches to render it unplayable. There are numerous advantages of having the ability to backup PS3 games. Firstly your game is safe and you don’t have to be paranoid when lending the disc to a friend. The game stored on hard drive loads faster than when loading from disc and there is no noise from optical drive in the first case.
Imagine another scenario where you have one console in your living room and another in your bedroom. Now you can play your game of Call of Duty: Black Ops on any console without carrying the disc to the respective console everytime. You aren’t exactly doing anything illegal here since you are only playing backup games on one console at a time.
3. Game Cheats and Mods
So you have finished the whole game campaign playing fair against the enemies and you’re bored now. On a jailbroken PS3 you can download and apply cheat codes and other interesting mods to your games. God mode, unlimited ammo, anti gravity are only a few of the many fun things you can have. Try these on the Zombies in Black Ops anyone?
4. Playing Pirated Games
This bit is not the ideal thing to do but there is a fair amount of folks out there playing pirated games for a whole host of reasons. Doesn’t this remind you of Installous for iPhone? There a lot of games without demos. Folks download a pirated copy to see if it is worth the buck or not. And there are others who never pay the developers anything ever.
Bottom line is that you can jailbreak PS3 to play pirated games without paying a dime but that’s same as stealing someone’s burger. Support the developers for their hard work.
5. Run Other Software
Be it for fun or development purposes, you can install other software and applications too like Linux. A lot of people have successfully installed Ubuntu on their PS3. Doesn’t sound fun? You can also play a lot of wonderful Homebrew games like Minesweeper, Sudoku etc.
Disadvantages of PS3 Jailbreak
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1. Stuck on Old Firmware
Just like the iPhone users have to wait for Dev-Team to release patch for every new firmware before upgrading jailbroken iOS devices, similarly PS3 users also have to wait. Only the frequency of release of patches is slow. The latest version of PS3 firmware is 3.61 while only firmware up to version 3.55 have been jailbroken so far.
No need to get wholly upset though. Sony hasn’t been rolling out new features at the pace Apple does so you may not be missing out on a lot if you stay on an old firmware for very long.
2. No PSN or Game Updates
If you have jailbroken your PS3 it means no firmware updates for you and neither the game updates. The first one was obvious. Sony updates the PS3 firmware regularly to patch jailbreak vulnerabilities and unless you have the latest PS3 firmware you cannot sign in to PSN network.

And that gives cue for second missing service. You need to be signed in to PSN to view and download updates to your games. However, it may be possible to update games via Multiman without connecting to PSN but the process may not be as easy as via PSN.
3. No Playstation Plus Service and Cloud Storage
If you have previously purchased a playstation plus service you might want to hold the jailbreak off until it expires since again no PSN means no PlayStation Plus.

You will not be able to use the new cloud storage service for game saves or view and download discounted games.
4. No Online Gameplay
This is probably the only substantial one out of all the cons of jailbreaking your PS3. If you want to go online and play against real people the game will require you to first sign in to PSN which will not be possible as we discussed above. So all your great games like Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, Black OPS etc. will be limited to offline play even if you legally purchased the disc.
So if you really really do need to play online, you cannot have the jailbreak too. However, playing splitscreen games or local LAN multiplayer does not need PSN access and will still work on jailbroken PS3s.
5. Sony Hates Jailbreak
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Unlike Apple, Sony is way more anti jailbreak. While you’re safe to keep a jailbroken PS3 offline, it might get banned from PSN permanently if sony detects it. Also, you should remove the jailbreak from your Sony PlayStation 3 before sending it for any kinds of repairs in order to still keep your warranty active.
Well that’s all. You decide which of these reasons are applicable to you. If you like more pros than cons go ahead and jailbreak your PS3 system. I have two PS3 systems so I can have best of both worlds. The living room serves as a perfect home theatre equipment thanks to Showtime. Did you decide to take the leap?
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- 1 Pros and Cons of Jailbreaking PS3