Mooring Equipment Guidelines: MEG3 book download

Optimoor - Mooring Analysis Software. It can be used to manage the mooring while at the berth. It can be used to train personnel in how to tend ship moorings and to react to situations. At terminals, OPTIMOOR can be used to assess the adequacy of vessel mooring equipment for the terminal mooring arrangement. 1.1.1 This document describes the guidelines which will be used by GL Noble Denton for the approval of moorings, including: a. Offshore catenary or taut leg moorings of mobile offshore units (MOU) b. Offshore catenary or taut leg mooring of floating offshore installations (FOI) c. Inshore mooring of MOUs and FOIs, e.g. For stacking d. VERSION 1: Only Hardcopy (pdf) of ‘Mooring System Management Plan’ (MSMP) including ‘Mooring System Management Plan Register’ (MSMPR) and ‘Line Management Plan’ (LMP). Compliance with OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines Edition 4 (MEG 4), TMSA 3 and other OCIMF Guidelines. Trusted by Shipping Companies on their Oil Tankers. Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG4) Year: 2018 Language: english Author: Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) Genre: Handbook Publisher: WitherbySeamanship lntematlonal Edition: 4 ISBN: 978-1-85609-771-0 Format: PDF Quality: OCR without errors Pages count: 288 Description: Mooring Equipment Guidelines is an industry publication for the safe mooring of tankers. Description: Mooring Equipment Guidelines is an industry publication for the safe mooring of tankers and gas carriers at terminals. The publication provides clear and concise guidance for ship and terminal designers, ship operators and mooring line manufacturers on safe mooring system design, with an emphasis on the safety of ship and terminal personnel. Wire mooring lines, the elasticity of the tails introduces energy that can significantly increase the snap-back hazard. Elongation is proportional to the length of the tail. The fitting of longer synthetic tails, e.g. 22m tails from 11m tails, proportionally increases the stored energy and the amount of snap-back that can be expected. The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) has introduced new guidelines for the safe mooring of tankers and gas carriers at terminals. A Mooring System Management Plan (MSMP) is part of the requirements to ensure risks are managed through the safe design and operation of mooring systems. Learn more about the MSMP in this technical news.
Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Download Mooring Equipment Guidelines: MEG3
Ocimf Mooring Guidelines Pdf Format
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