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- Upgrading the GPS is an essential task because the latest map data is required to ensure your navigation is running as error-free as possible. In addition, updates can cover bug fixes to improve.
- Low prices, reviews, videos and more for the Garmin Nuvi 2555LMT, a Garmin Automotive GPS item. Order on-line or at 1-800-231-7540 (8AM - 5PM PDT, Mon-Fri) My Account. Help. Order Status. Feedback. Site Map View Cart. Enjoy FREE Lifetime Map Updates. With FREE lifetime map updates, you always have the most up-to-date maps.
Garmin offers you dedicated software to manage all updates and new maps: Garmin Express. This program can be downloaded free of charge from their website and is available in PC and MAC versions. This wizard allows you to easily configure, record and manage your GPS unit. Express sends you notifications so that you never miss the latest.
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Free Garmin Nuvi 2555 Updates 2017

edited November -1 in Garmin Auto Forum (Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Drive Forum)
I can't update my maps in my Garmin 2555. I was able to download them but when I go to install them I keep getting the message 'Updating Device Software - Downloaidng software updates from Garmin'. This message has hung for 12+, 8+ and 5+ hours over the past 3 days.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
Free Garmin Nuvi 2555 Updates For Sale
- Often when software won't download it's due to a firewall or other setting on your PC. I turn off my firewall while I'm updating software ... it generally only takes a few minutes :wink:
- I turned my Windows 7 firewall off 3 days ago - before I started.
- How fast is your internet connection (download speed)? You can go to www.speedtest.net to get the value.
- Are you using Garmin's Lifetime Map Updater program? Many users have had problems with this program. Try the manual map install method instead. Connect your nuvi, log into your my.garmin.com account, click on MyMaps, click on the 'Download' button for the current map, then click Download Map Updater and Run.
- I'm not using the Lifetime Updater - am trying to do it manually.
- I have only updated my maps once about 3 yrs ago, but there were 4 things I did before updating and all went smoothly, so you might try:
1. Defragment the hard drive
2. Clear the cache
3. Disable power management
4. Disable internet security software (Norton / McAfee / Whatever) - Thanks, but I've done all those also. I'm going to try Garmin tech support on Monday, already spent an hour with them on Friday, and see if anything else can be done. Looking around these forums, and other posts on the Net, it sure looks like Garmin has back room, 'low bidder' software. For example how many years have they been trying to get the Lifetime Updater to work proprtly? Everywhere I look that's one of the first things people recommend not using when having problems updating maps.
Looks like I have a $225 paperweight. - If the problem is at 'Updating Device Software...' it sounds like it's trying to update the firmware before it proceeds with the map update. Maybe you can try using WebUpdater to update the firmware first, separately from the maps? Going through WebUpdater does not require going to the Garmin website or through MyGarmin or MyDashboard. Just start the program and it should update the firmware.
Afterwards, try the Garmin Map Updater again. With a fast internet connection, it should just work. A lot of us have done it many times with no problems. The problems usually occur when there is not enough free space internally in the unit, and that's a whole other problem.
If you can't get it to work right now, your GPS isn't necessarily a paperweight. Doesn't it work fine otherwise? The maps should still be fairly new..maybe version 2012.40? - That's certainly the normal sequence, hence my suggestion about firewalls. One other thought that blocked a download to my nuvi once, the parental controls were set for my 8 year old and they blocked it :roll:
- Thanks. It did not work fine in Los Angeles last week. Was giving me exit numbers on the 5 around LAX that didn't exist. I called Garmin - they said 'update your maps' - and here I am. I'm headed around the NJ/NYC area this week and I have little confidence it will get me where I'm going.
In addition I bought this unit because it had lifetime map updates. If I was never going to be able to update them I would have gone to another, less expensive, unit.
I've treid everuything I can think of - includig doing a hard reset and trying again. No luck. I guess, since almost everyone else can get this to run I'm just not savvy enough to get a software update successfully completed.
Thanks for the suggstions though. - I am sympathetic with your frustration.
Hopefully your call to Support today will get your issue resolved.
Ask customer support if they could connect to your PC and intall the map. I think it may be unreasonable to have them stay on the line for the complete map install but at least they should be able to start the process for you. Maybe with their help you'll be able to do it with future updates. Most importantly be polite and not vent your frustration, you'll get better cooperation that way.
Have your Nuvi connected to the PC before making the call. - The problem is fixed and the maps are installing as I type this. Spent 90 minutes on the phone with Garmin 'software' group. Apparently Garmin is in the process of releasing a system update of 7.3, which was not compatible with the Map Updater. When I tried updating the maps it tried installing to 7.3 which the MapUpdater chocked on. Against my better judgement I let Garmin remote in. It took him > 75 minutes to see the problem, manually download the right software version (7.2) and get everything to run. He said he has to notify 'engineering' about the conflict of system software versions and that they have received numerous e-mails over the weekened about what looks like a situation similar to mins.
Yes, I was, and am, very polite - unless someone starts up with me.
I know all's well that ends well but updating maps shouldn't be so hard.
He also said don't use the Lifetime UpDater.
Thanks for everyone's suggestions and help. - Glad you got it resolved and thanks for posting back, may help others in due course.
- Beatrice57, I give you loads of credit for hanging in there and not giving up, and I'm so glad you now have the update. It must give you a bit of satisfaction knowing you are savvy and were doing everything right. I hope your next update goes smoothly.
I will be updating mine in a couple of days and now am very nervous. :shock: - Thanks again for everyone's help and suggestions- much appreciated.
The person in the 'software' unit said the next update is due out late October - have no idea if he's right but thought I'd pass it along.
Just a FYI about Garrmin tech support. If the first person can't help you and they refer you to the 'software' unit definitely go there. The person I talked to was not getting off the phone till the issue was resolved - one way or another.