Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings 11th Formats: New, Used, Rent, Ebook, International Show. The unique collaborative effort of a distinguished interdisciplinary team - a professor of English and a professor of philosophy - Current Issues and Enduring Questions is a balanced and flexible book that provides the benefit of the authors' dual expertise in effective persuasive writing and rigorous critical thinking.
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- Current Issues and Enduring Questions - Kindle edition by Sylvan Barnet, Hugo Bedau, John O'Hara. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Current Issues and Enduring Questions.
- Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings (ebook).
by Sylvan Barnet
Published August 23rd 2013 by Bedford/St. Martin's
1457622602 (ISBN13: 9781457622601)
3.89 (44 ratings)
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Published July 1st 2010 by Bedford/St. Martin's
0312547323 (ISBN13: 9780312547325)
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Published October 4th 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Published July 1st 2007 by Bedford Books
0312459866 (ISBN13: 9780312459864)
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Published October 4th 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Published August 23rd 2013 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Published July 19th 2001 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Published November 1st 1992 by Bedford Books
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Published November 1st 2013 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Published August 2nd 2010 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Published August 4th 2010 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Published October 4th 2016 by Bedford/St. Martin's
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Download Book Current Issues And Enduring Questions A Guide To Critical Thinking And Argument With Readings in PDF format. You can Read Online Current Issues And Enduring Questions A Guide To Critical Thinking And Argument With Readings here in PDF, EPUB, Mobi or Docx formats.Current Issues And Enduring Questions
Author :Sylvan BarnetISBN :9781319075873
Genre :Language Arts & Disciplines
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The unique collaborative effort of a professor of English and a professor of philosophy, Current Issues and Enduring Questions is an extensive resource for teaching argument, persuasive writing, and rigorous critical thinking. This extraordinarily versatile text and reader continues to address current student interests and trends in argument, research, and writing.Its comprehensive coverage of classic and contemporary approaches to argument includes Aristotelian, Toulmin, and a range of alternative views, including a new chapter on analyzing and writing about arguments in popular culture. Readings on contemporary controversies (including student loan debt, locavorism, and the boundaries of online privacy) and classical philosophical questions (such as How free is the will of the individual?) are sure to spark student interest and lively discussion and writing, and new e-Pages take advantage of what the Web can do by including videos, speeches, film trailers, and other multimodal arguments.
Current Issues And Enduring Questions
Author :ISBN :0312473095
Genre :Logic
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Comprehensive coverage of classic and contemporary approaches to argument, including Aristotle, Toulmin, and a range of alternative views, making it a versatile text. Readings on contemporary controversies (including the purpose of a college education, immigration, a peacetime draft, and obesity) and classic philosophical questions (such as, 'How free is the will of the individual?') are sure to spark student interest and lively discussion and writing. Refined through seven previous editions, it has been revised to address current student interests and trends in argument, research, and writing, and has been updated with compelling new topics and readings and more on analyzing visuals and presenting oral arguments.
Critical Thinking Reading And Writing
Author :Sylvan BarnetISBN :031208613X
Genre :Critical thinking
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'Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing' is a compact but thorough guide to critical thinking and argumentation. Comprising the text portion of the widely adopted 'Current Issues and Enduring Questions,' it draws on the authors' dual expertise in effective persuasive writing and rigorous critical thinking. It helps students move from critical thinking to argumentative and researched writing. With comprehensive coverage of classic and contemporary approaches to argument, including Aristotle, Toulmin, and a range of alternative views, it is an extraordinarily versatile text. This affordable guide can stand alone or supplement a larger anthology of readings. 'Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing' has been revised to address current student interests and trends in argument, research, and writing.
From Critical Thinking To Argument
Author :Sylvan BarnetISBN :9781319076993
Genre :Language Arts & Disciplines
File Size : 42.12 MB
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From Critical Thinking to Argument is a very brief but thorough guide to critical thinking and argument. With only fifteen readings, this affordable guide can stand alone or complement an anthology. Comprising a condensed version of the text portion of the widely adopted Current Issues and Enduring Questions, it draws on the authors’ expertise in persuasive writing and logical thinking, and now with new co-author John O’Hara, an expanded focus on critical thinking. It helps students move from critical thinking to argument and research. This versatile text features treatment of classic and modern approaches including Aristotelian, Toulmin, and Rogerian argument, as well as an expanded chapter on visual rhetoric. Like other volumes in the Bedford/St. Martin’s popular series of Portable Anthologies and Portable Guides, From Critical Thinking to Argument offers the series’ trademark combination of high quality and great value for teachers of writing and their cost-conscious students.
Critical Thinking Reading And Writing
Author :Sylvan BarnetISBN :0312194307
Genre :Critical thinking
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Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing is a compact but complete guide to critical thinking and argumentation. Comprising the text portion of the widely adopted Current Issues and Enduring Questions, it draws on the authorsʹ dual expertise in effective persuasive writing and comprehensive rhetorical strategies to help students move from critical thinking to argumentative and researched writing.
English In China Today At The Harbin Institute Of Technology
Author :Martin WolffISBN :9781443837279
Genre :Language Arts & Disciplines
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This is the inaugural edition of English in China Today at the Harbin Institute of Technology, one of China’s Ivy League Universities. China currently has more than 2,400 public, private and joint venture colleges and universities and almost every one publishes a journal in Chinese. No Chinese college or university will accept or publish anything in any language other than Chinese. The instant journal, now a book series, is a first of its kind, limited to scholars from one Chinese Ivy League University and provides a platform for Chinese scholars to share their ideas with the global community, in the common lingua franca, English. This is the first Chinese university journal published abroad, about English, in English. English in China Today at the Harbin Institute of Technology provides accessible cutting-edge reports on most aspects of the language, including style, usage, dictionaries, literary language, Plain English, the Internet, English language teaching in China both as EFL and ESL, CALL, literature, culture, cross-culture communications, and translation. Its intended readership includes linguists, journalists, broadcasters, writers, publishers, teachers, advanced students of the language, university administrators and others with a professional or personal interest in communication. This journal and book series is unique in its opening up of China’s scholarly works to the English speaking world.
Bringing Literature And Linguistics Into Efl Classrooms
Author :Nugrahenny T. ZachariasISBN :9781443832380
Genre :Performing Arts
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Enduring Issues Essay
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The articles presented in this book bring together educators’ work and experiences from around the world (Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, and Australia) in the context of teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This publication, therefore, offers a richness and diversity of contexts and experiences to its readers. What sets this book apart is its balance between and explicit coverage of both research and the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching. This project has been prompted by the increasing split between the fields of linguistics, literatures and English language teaching, and will uniquely address this gap. Additionally, the volume gives practical applications on how to use theories of linguistics and literary texts in the classroom. This book provides undergraduate and graduate students, teacher-learners, practicing teachers, and teacher educators some theoretical and contextual knowledge of English language teaching practices and settings. Articles in this book can be used as supplementary texts for courses in the areas of English Language Teaching, pre-service and in-service teacher education, applied linguistics, literature, and language and culture studies.
Literacy And Learning In The Content Areas
Author :Sharon KaneISBN :
Current Issues Enduring Questions Pdf
9781351206891Genre :Education
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Current Issues And Enduring Questions
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The Fourth Edition of Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas: Enhancing Knowledge in the Disciplines provides readers with the knowledge, motivation, tools, and confidence for integrating literacy in their disciplinary classrooms. Offering an original, literature-based approach to teaching disciplinary literacy, the new edition shares important ways in which teachers of courses in the disciplines can enhance student learning of subject matter and skills while also fostering their growth in the many facets of literacy. Throughout each chapter, Kane provides engaging and creative strategies and activities to make literacy come alive in discipline-specific courses and to encourage students to explore and learn in the classroom. Embedded in each chapter are examples, resources, and strategies to help readers actively engage with and implement literacy practices. These features include Teaching in Action examples by subject area; Activating Prior Knowledge activities to stimulate critical thinking to prepare readers to learn complex theoretical and conceptual material about teaching, learning, and literacy; and end-of-chapter Application Activities to apply field experiences to classroom use. New to the Fourth Edition Every chapter of this new edition is updated to reflect the current approaches, standards, and benchmarks for discipline-specific literacy. Enhanced Companion Website with BookTalks to introduce relevant books in many genres and subjects, encouraging readers to explore the books for themselves and providing a model for BookTalks in their own classrooms. Expanded practical instructional strategies for teaching literacy in math, science, and social studies. Updated to include newly published titles in children’s literature, young adult literature, and nonfiction.
Speaking The Truth In Love
Author :Daniel R. BergerISBN :9781556351181
Genre :Religion
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Approaching public communication from a liberal arts point of view, Speaking the Truth in Love provides a distinctly Christian perspective of rhetoric. Written and oral rhetoric are interwoven throughout the text. Two foundational ideas control the majority of the text. The first is from Plato's 'Phaedrus' as stated by Paul in Ephesians 4:15, Òspeaking the truth in love. The second is from the Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 4:11, Òif anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. The spiritual responsibility of communicating truth in accordance with the nature of God, especially the virtue of love, is an awesome privilege and opportunity. Sound content spoken or written eloquently with charisma will enable words to have a maximum impact.The text is designed to be a culminating learning experience for undergraduate communication programs or as an introductory text for graduate programs involving public communication. Beginning with a philosophy of language, meaning, and interaction, argument is built against secular deconstructive thought where everyone has a different truth based on language. Alongside philosophy we explore ethics and theology from an evangelical perspective. Following this a brief history outlines rhetorical thought from pre-testament classics to today. Based upon these ideas we take a closer look at communication theory as it relates to public communication. Finally, the text addresses the practice of both written and oral communication.
Teaching Writing
Author :Christina Russell McDonaldISBN :0809324547
Genre :Language Arts & Disciplines
File Size : 88.28 MB
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Teaching Writing: Landmarks and Horizons, edited by Christina Russell McDonald and Robert L. McDonald, is designed to present an overview of some of the major developments in the establishment of composition studies as a field during the past thirty-five years. The essays are theoretically grounded but are focused on pedagogy as well. Divided into two parts, the first presents nine landmark essays, selected and introduced by distinguished composition scholars, and the second brings together eight new essays by emerging scholars.