Create Windows 10 Vagrant Box

This repo is a collection of various Vagrant environments to work with Windows Containers on a Windows Server 2019 or Windows 10 VM.

  1. Create Windows Vagrant Box
  2. Windows 10 Update
  3. Create Windows 10 Vagrant Base Box

There are different Vagrantfiles for each scenario:

Vagrant and VirtualBox can be used to create a local environment that matches the production environment of your server. Move on to Part 2: Setting up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) from the Ubuntu Server environment we created, and how to access it from your local computer. I recently decided to create my own Windows 10 base box for Vagrant. VirtualBox is already allowing Windows 10 virtual machines as of version 5.0 (though Windows 10 is not officially supported). So I decided to go ahead and create a base box for Vagrant for Windows 10 Professional. I read several articles about creating Windows base boxes for. Using Windows 10 Hyper-V to create Windows 2012R2 Vagrant boxes – Part 2 Let’s quickly walk through the process of how to use Hyper-V available on windows 10 to create the vagrant box file and use them for our tests of puppet configuration scripts.

  • Vagrantfile - Windows Server 2019 and Docker 18.09.0
  • lcow/Vagrantfile - Windows 10 with nightly Docker and LCOW enabled
  • nano/Vagrantfile - Test setup to have Docker engine installed in a Windows Nanoserver VM
  • swarm-demo/Vagrantfile - some Windows Server 2016 VM's in classical Docker Swarm
  • swarm-mode/Vagrantfile - some Windows Server 2016 VM's in Docker Swarm-mode and overlay network
  • windows10/Vagrantfile - Windows 10 1809 and nightly Docker to test process isolation
  • docker-machine test environments
    • docker-machine/Vagrantfile - Windows 10 with docker-machine installed to test with VMware Workstation
    • docker-machine-fusion/Vagrantfile - macOS 10.13 with docker-machine installed to test with VMware Fusion
  • wsl2/Vagrantfile - Windows 10 Home Insider Preview with WSL 2


. built vagrant machines from the new Vagrant Base box. Create folder for each vagrant machine, then open command window, use the following command Initialize and boot Vagrant Box: in this example I will create a two vagrant machine from windows10 base immage, so create DevPC1 and QAPC folders and use the following. This blog post about creating your own vagrant base boxes from an existing Virtual Box VM.Though the official vagrant site already speaks about creating linux base boxes, here are some basic steps and reqirement that will help you creating both windows and linux (ubuntu,centos) base boxes.

This repo has started with a single Vagrantfile that is explained below. As you can see there are several interesting setups here as well in the sub folders.

Have a look at my blog posts how to Setup a local Windows 2016 TP5 Docker VM and Adding Hyper-V support to 2016 TP5 Docker VM for more details. I also can recommend a more up to date guide Getting started with Windows Containers by @glennsarti

After provisioning the box has the following tools installed:

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  • Windows Server 2019 with Docker Engine 18.09.0 and client
  • docker-machine 0.16.0
  • docker-compose 1.23.0
  • (Docker Tab completion for PowerShell (posh-docker))
  • Chocolatey
  • Git command line
  • Git Tab completion for PowerShell (posh-git)
  • SSH client Optionally you can create a Hyper-V Docker Linux machine and have a multi architecture experience in one VM.

Tested with Vagrant 2.1.2, VMware Fusion Pro 10.1.3 on a MacBookPro with Retina display. The Vagrant box will be started in fullscreen mode also with Retina support.

You can learn and play a lot of scenarios with it:

Future work will be a Docker Swarm with both Linux and Windows Docker Engines..

Get the base box

First register to evaluate Windows 2019, but you don't need to download the ISO manually.

Arduino ide serial plotter. The Vagrant base box is available in Vagrant Cloud, these are all eval versions of Windows Server 2019 or Windows 10.

Vagrant will download the base box if it's not available locally, a vagrant box list shows which boxes you already have downloaded.

Install Vagrant reload plugin

As we need to reboot the VM once during the provisioning, you will need an additional Vagrant plugin

Spin up the box

To start the VM with Vagrant run this command

You only have to logout and login once to have the Docker tools in user vagrant's PATH.

Create some Windows Docker Container images

You may clone my dockerfiles-windows repo and create some container images.

Test the nightly Windows Docker Engine

You can update the Docker Engine with the script

This will stop the Docker service, download the nightly build from and restart the service.

Create a Linux Docker machine in Hyper-V

If you want to try out multi architecture you also use docker-machine to create a Linux Docker Engine running in Hyper-V.I have prepared a script that will set up everything as there are some known issues.

This PowerShell script creates a Docker machine and updates Docker Engine to the latest so that the Windows Docker client is able to communicate with the Linux Docker Engine.

Use the Linux Docker machine

Open a PowerShell terminal as an administrator and select the Linux Docker machine with


Now run your first busybox container with

Windows Docker Swarm demo

See subdirectory swarm-demo

Use Vagrant to control your box

Create From your host control your Vagrant box with the usual Vagrant workflow:

  • vagrant up
  • vagrant halt
  • vagrant destroy -f
  • vagrant snap take
  • vagrant snap rollback
  • ..

Writing the installation script for the Hyper-V Docker machine the snapshot functions helped me a lot to test the script again and again.

Active10 months ago

I have iso image of windows 7. How can i create windows vagrant box using this iso image.

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1 Answer

Vagrant works with box not OS ISO

You can read more on box at but basically Boxes are the package format for Vagrant environments. A box can be used by anyone on any platform that Vagrant supports to bring up an identical working environment.

The easiest to start with is to download an existing box (.box file) both and are good resources to find a box that should match your need.

If really you want to start with the ISO and build your own box (this is more advanced topic, I would only recommend for specific usage), you would need to look at the packer tool ( and getting existing templates for your target OS (like for windows box)

Create Windows Vagrant Box

Frédéric HenriFrédéric Henri

Windows 10 Update

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Create Windows 10 Vagrant Base Box

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