Body Pump Routine Pdf

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When I’m short on time and not feeling up to heavy strength work, this is one of my go-to workouts. You simply set the clock for 5 minutes and pump out as many quality reps as you can for a handful of moves that work your entire upper body.

Why is this high-rep, low load method so effective?

Body Pump Routine List

FST-7 HARD BODY BLUEPRINT, Level 1 CREATED BY HANY RAMBOD A key element to FST-7’s success requires maximizing blood flow to the working muscles. Without maximal blood flow and fluid volume in the muscle it is impossible to experience the dramatic effects of fascia stretch training. Another crucial factor is being. The Les Mills Workout is the at-home version of the famous class he taught. Pump up your at-home routine with the Les Mills Workout. Also known as “LES MILLS PUMP”, this workout features the “Rep Effect.” With the Les Mills workout, work out just 3 times a week to get a long and lean, chiseled body. Comprehensive Resistance Band Strength & Conditioning Workout Using The Bow Resistance Trainer this program will deliver the workout you've been waiting for. Narrated by Coach Ali, courtesy of. Get the most detailed Les Mills Body Pump review on the web. We go in-depth into Beachbody's highly acclaimed home workout routine DVD. REAL testimonials! Download Free Body Pump Routine Pdf Merge. 4/5/2017 0 Comments MIA: The Les Mills PUMP Workout Schedule One of the annoying things about the Les Mills PUMP program is that it doesn. By that, I mean there Body Pump Exercise Routine. Body Pump is a type of weightlifting routine that works your muscle groups and pushes your body to its limits. Les Mills Pump Workout Calendar. On the images below you will find the Les Mills Pump workout calendar and schedule. This workout is designed and divided up into 3 phases. With this workout you will gradually increase the length and intensity as you progress through it. Simply click on the images below to view and download the calendars on PDF. Oct 14, 2018  BODY PUMP ROUTINE PDF DOWNLOAD It may be time to raise the bar – the barbell that is with BodyPump group exercises! 6 moves you'll do in a Body Pump class. Side Rotator Raise. This move is nowhere near as easy as Helen makes it look, but it's well worth the effort.


A recent study showed that you can gain just as much muscle with lighter weights as you can with heavy loads as long as you go to failure (or push just as hard). Lighter loads are also easier on your joints and burn more calories and fat.

Computer usb lock software, free download. Best of all, this type of training causes your muscles to fill with blood, water, and nutrients, creating an amazing muscle pump that can trigger new growth.

Related: How a Muscle Pump Helps You Build Size and Strength

For the loaded exercises, choose loads that you can do 15 to 20 reps with in a single set.

Do as many quality reps as you can, but avoid going to failure. In other words, leave at least a couple reps in the tank on each set.

Body Pump Routine Pdf

Take 10 to 20 second rest periods between sets and keep pumping away until time is up. You’ll start with higher reps like 15 to 20 and then progress to lower rep sets like 10, 5, etc., as you fatigue.

Body Pump Routine Pdf Template

For the bodyweight moves, just accumulate as many reps as you can in 5 minutes, starting with sets of half as many reps as you can do all-out in a single set.

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So if you can do 12 pullups, start with sets of 6 reps. If you can’t do at least 10 pullups in a single set (not many people can), just modify with assisted pullups to keep your reps up.

Related:How to Get Better At Pullups

Body Pump Routine List Pdf

Here’s a 7-move workout that follows this protocol. Do each exercise in the order shown for max reps in 5 minutes. Rest 1 minute between exercises.

Body Pump Routine Pdf Printable

1. Neutral-grip pullup (or assisted pullup or row)
2. Barbell bench press
3. Chest-supproted T-bar row
4. Barbell overhead press
5. Barbell high pull
6. Preacher curl
7. Bodyweight triceps extension