Download win xp 32 bit. While these features are not available in the Home version. The Home version was targeted to home PC users, while the Professional version was designed for business and professionals. Share this pageDescription (By Editor)Windows XP was released to the public on October 25, 2001, the first two versions released by the company were Home and Professional. General information for all XP editionsWindows XP has a lot of updates in the user interface (compared to and ), making it easier to use and navigate through files and programs. Prior to Windows 7 market dominance, Windows XP was the most widely used desktop operating system in the world for many years.Professional version of the operating system have more features such as backup program, encrypted file systems (EFS) feature, remote control, offline files, IIS, etc.
- Adobe Captivate 2017 Quiz Templates
- Adobe Captivate Quiz Templates
- Adobe Captivate Samples
- Adobe Captivate Quiz Reporting
- Adobe Captivate Examples
- Adobe Captivate 2019 Quiz Slides
- Adobe Captivate Themes
Download And Customize Adobe Captivate Templates Adobe Captivate is a rapid eLearning authoring tool that is most suitable for creating software simulations, software demonstrations, branching scenarios and randomized quizzes in Small Web Formats (.swf) and HTML5. It is easy to use and therefore popular among eLearning developers. Adobe Captivate 2019 software reimagines the way interactive eLearning is created for a multi-device world. Develop any-screen mobile learning without programming using all-new responsive authoring. Now use an intuitive UI to transform PowerPoint presentations into engaging eLearning using actors, voices, interactions, and quizzes. In this article, we will talk about publishing your Captivate course to Captivate Prime, which is an LMS developed by Adobe. It is a paid solution available in SAAS (Software as a Service) mode. The course modules that you create with Adobe Captivate can be published and uploaded to your Adobe Captivate Prime account right from within Captivate.

The procedures in this document require you to use assets such as images and sample Adobe Captivate project files. You can choose to use your own assets and samples. However, it is recommended that you download and extract the following zip file to your computer:
True / False questions are probably the easiest question types to create in an eLearning tutorial so let's get started with one of them.
Adobe Captivate 2017 Quiz Templates
Let's add a True / False question to a project.
In the downloaded zip folder, navigate to the samples subfolder and open:
It is not mandatory that you download the project file that ships with this tutorial. You can still follow along with the steps in this procedure. However, you will need to create a new project in Captivate.
In the Filmstrip, select the slide titled Summary.
We are going to add the question after this slide.
In the toolbar, click Slides and choose Question Slide.
In the Insert Questions dialog box, select the True/False checkbox and click OK.
A question slide is inserted after the slide title Summary.
Also, after the question slide, Captivate inserts a Quiz Results slide.
In the question slide, enter the following question in the text area (overwriting the placeholder text):
You cannot create Responsive projects with Adobe Captivate.
By default, the pass percentage for a quiz is 80. You can change this and other quiz settings in Captivate:
In the Edit menu, choose Preferences, and then go Pass or Fail.
Let's preview the procedure we completed.
In the toolbar, click Preview and then choose Project.
When you reach the question, pick an answer (true or false). Captivate will check your answer and give you the results in the Quiz Results slide.
Multiple choice questions are of two types:
- Pick only one correct answer.
- Pick all possible correct answers.
Captivate makes it easy to decide what type of multiple choice question it is that you want to create.
Let's create two multiple choice questions, one for each of the above types.

In the downloaded zip folder, navigate to the samples subfolder and open:
It is not mandatory that you download the project file that ships with this tutorial. You can still follow along with the steps in this procedure. However, you will need to create a new project in Captivate.
In the Filmstrip, select the slide titled Summary.
We are going to add the two multiple choice questions after this slide.
In the toolbar, click Slides and choose Question Slide.
In the Insert Questions dialog box, select the Multiple Choice checkbox.
To create two multiple choice questions, in the text box to the right, enter 2 and click OK.
Two multiple choice question slides are inserted after the slide title Summary.
Also, after the question slides, Captivate inserts a Quiz Results slide.
Navigate to the first question slide, and enter the following question in the text area (overwriting the placeholder text):
Which option in the menu allows you to create rectangular shapes in Captivate?
By default, Captivate adds placeholders for two choices. Let's add two more placeholders to provide the user with four choices.
To open the Properties Inspector, click Properties in the right corner of the toolbar and then go to the Quiz Inspector.
Click the default number of answers (2) and change this to 4.
In the question slide, enter the following answers and ensure that choice B (the correct answer) is selected:
Navigate to the second multiple choice question slide and enter the following question:
Which of the following are types of Captivate projects that you can create?
Pick all that apply.
In the Quiz Inspector, click the default number of answers (2) and change this to 4.
Also, to allow the user to pick all that apply, check Multiple Answers.
In the question slide, enter the following answers and ensure that the corresponding choices are selected:
By default, the pass percentage for a quiz is 80. You can change this, and other, quiz settings in Captivate:
Adobe Captivate Quiz Templates
In the Edit menu, choose Preferences, and then go Pass or Fail.
Let's preview the procedure we completed.
In the toolbar, click Preview and then choose Project.
When you reach the first question, pick an answer and then proceed to the second question.
After you're done with both the questions, Captivate will check your answers and give you the results in the Quiz Results slide.
If the choices for a question are too obvious, fill-in-the-blank is another method to check user input.
Let's add a fill-in-the-blank question to our project.
Adobe Captivate Samples
In the downloaded zip folder, navigate to the samples subfolder and open:
It is not mandatory that you download the project file that ships with this tutorial. You can still follow along with the steps in this procedure. However, you will need to create a new project in Captivate.
In the Filmstrip, select the slide titled Summary.
We are going to add the question after this slide.
In the toolbar, click Slides and choose Question Slide.
In the Insert Questions dialog box, select the Fill-In-The-Blank checkbox and click OK.
A question slide is inserted after the slide title Summary.
Also, after the question slide, Captivate inserts a Quiz Results slide.
In the question slide, enter the following statement in the text area (overwriting the placeholder text: Type the blank phrase):
Use the Themes option in the toolbar to change the overall appearance of your Captivate project.
When the project is displayed to users, we need to hide Themes and ask users to fill in that blank.
To open the Properties Inspector, click Properties in the right corner of the toolbar and then go to the Quiz Inspector.
In the Quiz Inspector, click Mark Blank.
Notice that the word Themes is now underlined. It indicates that the word Themes will appear as blank for users to fill in.
We can also apply a few settings to the word. Let's do that.
Click the word Themes.
The following pop-up box is displayed:
Aug 19, 2018 Spiderman one Game Free Download: It is an awesome Fighting and adventure game. This Spiderman 1 Game is based on Marvel’s SpiderMan movie story. The game was developed by Treyarch and published by Activision, and released in 2002 for GameCube, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Game Boy Advance.Spiderman 1 is the one of the Best Fighting and Action game. How to Download and Install Spider Man on PC? First download Spider-Man: The Movie by click on download link; Extract the file using 'Winrar' or '7-zip'. Open 'SpiderMan The Movie Check Gaming Zone' Click on Setup.exe and Install it. After that, go to game directory.
Let's provide some flexibility for the user input.
Right now, if the user enters any other word except exactly Themes, the answer is marked as incorrect. To accept other words as correct responses, use the + in the upper-right corner and add more correct words or even phrases:
Click + and enter Theme
Click + and enter Theme button
By default, the pass percentage for a quiz is 80. You can change this, and other, quiz settings in Captivate:

In the Edit menu, choose Preferences, and then go Pass or Fail.
Let's preview the procedure we completed.
In the toolbar, click Preview and then choose Project.
When you reach the question, fill in the blank. Captivate will check your answer and give you the results in the Quiz Results slide.
Matching questions are useful to check one-to-one relations in an eLearning project.
Let's add a matching question to our project to check the definitions for the toolbar options in Captivate.
Adobe Captivate Quiz Reporting
In the downloaded zip folder, navigate to the samples subfolder and open:
It is not mandatory that you download the project file that ships with this tutorial. You can still follow along with the steps in this procedure. However, you will need to create a new project in Captivate.
In the Filmstrip, select the slide titled Summary.
We are going to add the question after this slide.
In the toolbar, click Slides and choose Question Slide.
In the Insert Questions dialog box, select the Matching checkbox and click OK.
A question slide is inserted after the slide title Summary.
Also, after the question slide, Captivate inserts a Quiz Results slide.
In the question slide, enter the following in the text area (overwriting the placeholder text: Match the following):
Match the toolbar options in Column 1 with their definitions in Column 2.
Enter the following toolbar options in Column 1:
Enter the following definitions in Column 2:
Add rollover captions to a slide
Add text animation to a slide
Add rectangles to a slide
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To let Captivate know the correct match:
Click A in Column 1 and in the drop-down list, choose B.
Click B in Column 1 and in the drop-down list, choose C.
Click C in Column 1 and in the drop-down list, choose A.
Adobe Captivate Examples
By default, the pass percentage for a quiz is 80. You can change this, and other, quiz settings in Captivate:
In the Edit menu, choose Preferences, and then go Pass or Fail.
Let's preview the procedure we completed.
In the toolbar, click Preview and then choose Project.
When you reach the question, match the columns. Captivate will check your answer and give you the results in the Quiz Results slide.
In this section, we covered the different types of quiz questions supported by Captivate.
Let's preview our progress.
Click Preview in the toolbar and then choose Project to preview the entire project.
If you see something missing, you can go over the appropriate section in this article and make the required updates to your project.
If everything looks fine, let's publish the project.
In the toolbar, click Publish and then choose Publish to Computer.
The Publish To My Computer dialog box is displayed.
In the Publish as drop-down list, ensure HTML5 / SWF is selected.
In the Output Format option, ensure that HTML5 is selected.
Adobe Captivate 2019 Quiz Slides
For more on this topic, see How to set up question slides with Adobe Captivate.
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Adobe Captivate Themes
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